St Johns Criminal Defense Lawyer

St Johns Criminal Defense Lawyer

St Johns Criminal Defense Attorney

Whether you are facing minor theft charges or felony domestic violence charges, dealing with criminal charges can be overwhelming and disturbing. Thankfully, an experienced St Johns criminal defense lawyer from Kevin A. Raudt, P.A. can work closely with you to understand the details of your case. Based on your side of the story, we can leverage critical evidence and other strong legal strategies to advocate and fight for optimal case outcomes.

best st johns criminal defense lawyer

Why You Should Work With a Skilled Attorney From Kevin A. Raudt, P.A.

As the criminal justice system is complex and difficult to navigate, having an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side can be highly beneficial. An experienced and compassionate criminal defense attorney from our firm can specifically assist you with the following:

  • Protecting Your Rights: As prosecutors and law enforcement in Florida have a lot of resources to build a strong case against you, it’s critical to ensure that your rights are respected throughout the process. A defense attorney from our firm can ensure that your constitutional rights are adhered to, working to prevent any violations that could prevent you from having a lawful trial process.
  • Understanding the Legal System in St Johns: Our experienced legal team has a strong track record helping individuals charged with crimes navigate the St Johns court system and subsequent court systems in the area. Furthermore, we can leverage our in-depth knowledge of local and state law to help you understand how this may impact your case.
  • Building a Comprehensive Defense Strategy: As each criminal case has unique circumstances, it is critical to have a defense strategy that adequately reflects the circumstances involved. An experienced attorney from our firm can help you develop a defense strategy that optimizes your case outcomes, including negotiating plea deals, filing motions to suppress evidence, and collecting critical evidence for trial.
  • Getting Charges Reduced or Dismissed: In certain cases, a skilled lawyer may be able to reduce your charges or completely dismiss them even before the trial starts. For you, this can be the difference between having a criminal record and having no record at all. This is just another important reason to have experienced and skilled legal representation.

As certain procedures associated with criminal defense processes are complex, mundane, and hard to follow, a detail-oriented lawyer can stay on top of things for you, avoiding unnecessary errors or delays that could cost you your freedom and reputation. An experienced lawyer from our firm can leverage their knowledge from existing cases to help avoid pitfalls, ensuring your case is properly handled each step of the way.

Criminal Defense Cases Our St Johns Legal Team Can Support You With

Our experienced legal team has years of combined experience handling criminal defense cases and designing optimal tactics to help individuals protect their rights and defend their side of the story. We can help you with a variety of cases in St. Johns, FL, including:

  • Drug Crimes: Whether you have been charged with drug trafficking, possession, or distribution, you could be facing serious penalties in Florida. An attorney from our firm can help you fight against your charges.
  • Property Crimes and Theft: Whether you are facing charges for petty shoplifting or burglary, an experienced lawyer from our firm can work to protect your rights and launch a strong defense against the charges.
  • Violent Crimes: If you have been charged with domestic violence crimes, battery, assault, or homicide, you can face serious potential penalties. A criminal defense lawyer from our firm can deeply look into all of your options to help you fight for an optimal case outcome.
  • DUI Defense: If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Florida, a lawyer from our firm can work diligently to help you understand your rights and fight to get you back on the road.

FAQs About St Johns, FL Criminal Defense Law

How Much Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost in Florida?

The amount a criminal defense lawyer in Florida may charge for their services is dependent on various factors, including the location of their firm, their experience handling cases similar to yours, the complexity of your case, and the seriousness of your charges. It’s important to work with a criminal defense lawyer who is upfront about their charges and pricing schemes so that you can budget accordingly and avoid unexpected costs.

What If I Have Been Arrested for a Crime I Didn’t Commit in Florida?

If you have been arrested for a crime that you did not commit in Florida, it’s important to keep calm and refuse to make statements to law enforcement without a lawyer present. It’s essential to get in contact with a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible so that they can ensure your rights are protected. They can also assist you with building up a strong defense, gathering critical evidence, and working through the complex criminal legal defense system.

Should I Hire a Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer?

It is highly recommended to work with a Florida criminal defense lawyer if you are dealing with criminal charges, regardless of how serious they may be. A lawyer can support you through understanding and exercising your rights, as well as with navigating complicated legal procedures. Furthermore, they can work closely with you to develop and implement a strong criminal defense strategy to advocate for optimal outcomes.

Should I Tell My Florida Defense Attorney the Truth?

Yes, it’s important to always tell the truth with your defense attorney. You can trust in your attorney because attorney-client privilege exists. This means that your lawyer cannot share any information shared between you two because it is confidential. By being honest with your attorney, you are providing them with all of the details necessary to build a strong defense to fight back against your charges.

Fight Back Against Charges With an Experienced St Johns Lawyer Today

If you are facing criminal charges in St Johns or the surrounding areas, it is critical to work with an experienced lawyer who can fight for you. A skilled attorney from Kevin A. Raudt, P.A. is here to work closely with you and address any questions or concerns you may have. Together, we can develop and implement a strong criminal defense strategy. Contact us today.


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